Monday, May 28, 2007

Bright day...

On leave today, first time taking full day off for year 2007!! Pity me....
Yesterday nite, tot of going for body combat class at 9.30am but when I woke up at 8.30am, it rain so heavily and I still wondering if I shld go..finally I decided go back to bed and turn here and there. But at 9.15 am the rain stopped and I was like huh...why la...and I know I will not have enough time to get ready, so I go back to bed and fall asleep...

Then wake up, feed Snoopy and Dorothy....and makan with mama and 2 kids (it's not my kids arr, I'm still single ok). Then straight go back to do my facial after 6 months MIA....and I feel great now!

Just now my hand itchy, go to download company's mailbox is over to spend time to glance tru the email today before I Image Hosted by ImageShack.usesok happy my first emoticon today...Fiona almost wana vomit blood to teach me how to do it...


babyfiona said...

-___-" so song lar u, i have to rush to office while its still raining..dumbass betul..then whole day raining here..

Apam Balik said...

Haiyah....once in a blue moon, somemore one day only..dun like that also going to Spore already what...

babyfiona said...

nampak muka i yang cantik ini tak hehehe

babyfiona said...

btw, u kena tagged,buat kerja rumah ye!