Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Zealand...(Part 1)

Been busy with my job for whole day...damn exhausted running up and down and using my brain. Have a chat with my frend in New Zealand today. Talking about going over there next year if my financial permit. Did anyone of you know about the holiday working visa which valid for 6 months? Now I;m doing a study on it. The most important thing is to get a job over there, or else how am I going to survive for that 6 months? But I'm not sure what's the job opprtunity available there.The $$ to rent a room is minimum NZD$ 150/week which's very steep Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
So, gals and guys, if anyone of you have any advise for me,let me know yah...I really want to go there...coz I don't want to miss this chance, it's open for those from 18-30....after that no chance dy..and still I'm still single...can go la..no worry....I just love to travel, but of course if $$ permits...but I'm always a back packer wherever I go, I'm not fussy on accomodation as long as it's clean.

Ok, first time kena tag by Fiona...asking what is my 5 fav song when I'm 18yrs old...
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Well....till now I'm still crazy over this guy though some of you might say I'm outdated....
and the first one goes to....(drum rolling).........

1) Ricky Martin....... all the songs by him...I still play his song in my car and laptop till today

2) New Kids On the Block..still remember?? Step by Step..Oh baby...gonna get to you gal...but this is not my fav...I prefer I'll Be Loving You forever

3) Tommy Page- I'll be your everything

4) Mariah Carey- I believe... ( I always sing this song to myself..remembering the crush I have when I was in college )

5) Brandy- Have You Ever (This for my crush too, but he has become pple father)....


babyfiona said...

WAH! u no money still can go new zealand! u geng lar!

Rabbit said...

I like mariah carey too!! Weeee!

Apam Balik said...

Yeah...Mariah Carey, no matter how she change her dressing style, I still like her voice :)

Apam Balik said...

I no money...that's why I always ask u mana ada "lubang" to earn some...!! I go NZ bukan holiday ok? At least I tried rite? If no money or tak tahan balik lorr...