Saturday, June 2, 2007

Orphanage Home

Oppss...don't mean to play MIA, but I've been very busy this week and coming. My company is changing to a new system starting next Monday, so I expect there will be a lot a lot of problem, been busy doing testing last week.
Went back home at 11 last Friday...and only have our dinner at 9pm..Mcdonald's delivery..with cold and soogy fries..but still need to eat because hungry already

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Few of us work till gila...and I have nothing to do, I go to my colleague workstation and kacau her soft toy...I make her toy upside down showing her how we are feeling haha...think she will Image Hosted by me when she goes to work today hehe...

Reach home at nearly 12...then quickly pack the groceries I have bought for the orphanange home which I have visited today. Some of you might know or don't know that me, my colleagues and a group of friends (30 of us) is helping this orphan home by buying groceries for them every month. Our budget is around max 20 per our monthly purchase is around 500++, every month we ask the home administrator what groceries do they need rather we buy ourselves coz they might already have what they need, we tried our best to accomodate their need based on our budget.

I actually need to travel 2 times to the hypermarket to buy the stuff coz it's too heavy and my car can't carry all...and I..a "weak" to carry so much heavy leh...
So for this month, the have almost 50 requested items but we cant' accomodate all and buy only whatever is necc. For this month,some of the items I have bought for them is curry powder, ikan bilis,soap powder, can food, potatoes, garlic, sugar, asam jawa, koko crunch and a lot more..

I think I will post abt the home only on my coming blog, so do watch that out ok??

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