Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tiring Week.....

It's been more than a week I didn't blog. Monday to Friday has been a hectic and crazy week for me...there's a few time I bring the laptop back home but didn't do anything coz I'm drop death tired once I reached home and I don't feel like touching the computer at all coz I'm kinda like phobia with it.

Today is the worse day of the week too, got a very bad migrainne when I woke up this morning.

Now is slightly better though I still feel the pain in it....

Oh, did I tell you guys I have a great time last Sunday? My friend Chee organized a cycling trip to Bukit Cerakah in Shah Alam, it's been ages since I cycle, I think the last time was err....year 2004 when I went to Pangkor. I'm in such a panic stage when I got onto the bicyle...after a while, I'm quite ok...and some very embarassed thing happend when I cycle half day (no, it's not that I slip or fall) only Siau Wei know what it's about and I think she will remember till rest of her life!!!

Check out the lang chai and leng lui ...ada gaya...
Wah...such a nice scenery

The best part of the tour 4 season's spring beautiful..

After the cycling tour, I suggest go to KL for lunch. I would say this is the best part of the itenary :p we ordered so many foods, not sure if it's due to the amount of pple, all the food habis in such a short time and we add more...if memory serve me right we ordered, 2 large pizza I can't remember what variant already la, ceaser salad, fried calamari, lasagna, chicken in mushroom sauce with duno what, their popular cheese ball roti?? Tomyam soup (ehh not so good, Tam Nak thai still good ), chicken wings ...I think that's all gua....duno if I miss out any ehh...
Tom Yam Soup

I just like to eat in this kinda atmosphere, where whole group of pple, sit together and order a lot of food to eat , talk and laugh till our heart out. That day was a good one coz that Chee keep on kacau and teasing me from morning till end of the day. It's not a good morning to start with coz he reach my home earlier by 20 minutes and I still haven;'t wale up. When he called and say he's infront of the gate, I automatically jump out from the bed and terus open the door..and yes, my hair goes all haywire, didnt' brush my teeth,wash face or anything..luckily I'm not naked :p
after I open the gate, I quickly zoom into bathroom and wash my Im wondering, why I didn't let him wait a while and go to clean myself first??

1 comment:

babyfiona said...

wah, so rajin go cycling ;p
come rajin and do the tag;p