Wednesday, May 30, 2007

RPM & Body Combat

What a day today, plan to go for RPM class at 7.30pm, but at last minute, boss send me an email ask me to do something and send by tomorrow .Aii, now I'm, stuck in office coz I finish the job within half an hour, but it's already 7pm, if I go off now, I will be late for the class and all the cycle machine will be taken up..
So, what to do, have to sit here and blog lor...

For your info, I'm a fan of Body Combat and RPM class (or whatever do with cycling). I do Body Combat min 3 times per week. A lot of pple say I "pin tai" especially RPM, coz it's really tiring, but I like it... :) . I just like those rough sport hahaa..
I very seldom playing those machines when I;m in gym, I prefer to attend class because I can sweat a lot and it's fun!

No offend, but I'm not a Yoga person, I find the movement too slow and I can't run around!
Yeah, I'm like a monkey hopping here and there...hehehe...

For those who's not really sure what is Body Combat it's actually define as

BODYCOMBAT™ is the empowering cardio workout where you are totally unleashed. This fiercely energetic program is inspired by martial arts and draws from a wide array of disciplines such as Karate, boxing, Taekwondo, Tai Chi and Muay Thai. Supported by driving music and powerful role model instructors strike, punch, kick and kata your way through calories to superior cardio fitness.

RPM™ is the indoor cycling workout where you ride to the rhythm of powerful music. Take on the terrain with your inspiring team coach who leads the pack through hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials, and interval training. Discover your athlete within – sweat and burn to reach your endorphin high.

I'm have booked the trip to Kota Kinabalu in Sep and I will be climbing the Mountain Kinabalu, so I have to make myself fit, don't wana go all the way there and stranded because of no stamina.

Source from :

So, I must train up myself now!

P/S: I would like to join Mat Pilates class, anybody doing this currently?

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Rabbit said...

Wah! U must be so damn fit!

Is bodycombat known as kick boxing as well?

Ah! I guess I need some RPM to throw my fats away!

babyfiona said...

said no duit, still can go climb so high -___-".

Fluffy the Muffly Dog said...

Oooo I went for RPM b4 but couldn't catch up. Almost DIEDED in there! Hahaha!! Nice blog!! Wanna exchange linkx?? Tell me ya! My link is

This one is Fluffy's blog! You can drop by at Fluffy's place too!

Wow you must be really fit!! Aih i'm a lazy pig ler... cannot catch up! How to be fit fat aledi now...

Apam Balik said...

Nola, me not really least m not panting when I climb the staircase to office! I still fall under "meaty" category :p

I used to be very active in sport till I go for an operation 2 yrs ago,..then I start to malas here and there. I only started last year, so there's still a lot to catch up and with my hectic schedule in office
Nope, Kick boxing is different from body combat, as it's written in my blog it's a combination of all martial art movement. WHen I first join, i went out from the class within half an hour as its too ok dy, can do 2 class for non stop :p

I used to struggle in RPM too, the instructor actually come down and tighten the gear! and I always curi ayam to loosen it :p but wat he say is true, must always do our sweat no gain! I really need to do RPM to build muscle,strenght or whatever to climb the mountain!

Aiyah, fiona, ini trip I book during the air asia FOC pay the taxes only! Somemore this is a supeb backpack trip not expect to spend more than 1k include all. CLimbing the KK is my dream, better do it b4 I tua!