Saturday, June 9, 2007


Hello....yeah been missing in action for the pass week. There's too many things happend to me...but the main reason I can't blog is because I've been going home at 10pm everynite and it's been a whole week I didnt go for gym and see my nephew at home.

It's such a miserable week that I've been eating Mcdonald's and Domino for the whole week.
And no thanks to the Food Poisoning I got on Monday or Tuesday..been going to toilet for more than 10 times on that day and vomited thrice! Then got a bad tummy ache after recovery...feel like the there's something pulling me in the stomach for 3days..then only go to see Dr on the 3rd day, but duno what kinda Dr is this, don't bother check properly and only give me mountain of medicine, normally they will give some oral dehydration salt to replenish the loss of water, but he didnt give me anything. So, I end up mix the Glucose and drink...till today I don't feel eating or whatsoever, maybe there's wind.

And the goes live system kinda haywire in my office, how can the most basis function such as printing PO is not set up under my ID???
Ok, don't wana mentioned about work related stuff anymore...make me sick...

Well at least something to cheer about my close sec mate, Wendy return to Msia for a short break before she goes back to UK. She bring her son along...Russell cute! my childhood friend Joe keep on calling him "BB Michellin" Image Hosted by ImageShack.usbecause he's very big size for a 5 months old bb.

Well, time really flies, still remember we just attended her wedding dinner in Dec she already become a mother! In our group, she's the most blessed among all of us, she's just like every gal dreaming off, went to Uni, met her 1st love there, fall in love and got married and started a many of us is as lucky as her to have this kinda to married to the first love in her life! Well another good news is Joe is getting registered today! Congratulations babe! Wishing you "pak tau dou lou"....and Lim Meng, is getting married next year Mar 08! Again, congratulations my frend...but we'll be missing Lim Meng coz she will go to Spore after she's married. Only left me and Joe in Msia, but Joe is moving to I'm all alone in this gang...yesterday the whole day conversation is abt marriage and kids...well...I just sit there and listen...wishing them happines, though deep inside I'm still waiting for my prince charming to appear....and asking...when is my next turn?'s quite true like what Chinese said...for women, it's important for them to married the right guy, and for guy it's important for them to choose the right career.

Well, I have a debate with my friend the other day.....they say nowdays in this society, it's common for gal or guy to have a few partner outside, whether they are single or married. As long as they know how to goes back home by end of the day....

No offend, you might say I;m old fashion, but if you have make up the mind to marry or involve in a r/ship with that person, why still wana flirt at outside? Is it because the other side is rich,pretty, handsome, cute or involve in r/ship is just part and cyle of life?

Don't they know marriage is such a sacred thing? What's the point they say they "till death do us apart in front all the pple"?? Don't they know God hate those ple who do not take vow seriously and the consequences?

It's sad to see there's so many divorce going around nowdays...and by the end of the day..the children is suffering and this will affect them phys till they grown up....what's the point they wana get married...

I duno... I just view nowdays pple is so hard to be trusted, even he or she is the most closes to you...all I know is if you don't like that person anymore, just tell that person...don't hang on to that person or thinking just tag with the r/ship till you can get a better one or compare which's is better in this period of time. Never play with pple emotions....I think 100% of the women can not bear to share a man with another women.....and this same goes with a man...can't imagine how they can bunk with other party and goes back telling the other one, I Love You...I miss are my only one?? disgusting...

I HATE PPLE TO BETRAY ME!!! in whatever thing...
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I'm so frusted today because I heard a news from my friend that one of my friend has passed away few days ago...because she has committed suicide...and this is because of the relationship problem...and they are in the stage of getting marry..well I'm not going to elaborate that as I don't want to drop my tears again...and all I know..she doesn't deserve to choose this way because she didn't do anything wrong...and she's a nice lady...all of us always tease her other half coz he's lucky to get such a women who come in everything...( she can be a good mum+wife+friend)... it's true that sometime "buat baik dibalas baik" doesn't exist anymore nowdays...pple just take you for granted...sometime I myself also struggling shld I continue my life with the "style" of this earth??? Some might say that it's ok to give another party a second chance..but what if the thing they committed is out of expectation?
I've been transform from an evil to somebody consider good ( I dont' deserve to put the word angel here)...without him who give me strength and lift me up..I don't think I can stand where am I today... I always believe its the matter of which road we wana choose and whether we wana do it whole heartly or's very true like the good old days when our teacher tell us ...God will never help those who never help themselves....

I received the below sms from my frend that day...I still keep it...though I find this is meanigful, there's certain thing which I don't agree...and I can't do it...

Love forgives everything, including failure,error,betrayal and hatred. Love heals everything including discomfort,fear,pain and doing so, you'll discover every aspect of yourself angel...yours in love and light...

This earth is so dark, dirty,polluted..sometime...I quietly asking him in my heart...when are you going to bring me back home??

1 comment:

Rabbit said...

Aiyoh, u now okay already or not? Still feeling sick? Take care ya!

What kinda theory is that which allows betrayal as long as he/she knows how to go back to the original spot? Sheesh! People who came up with this theory deserves to eat shiat. Grrrr! Buat malu aja.