Sunday, June 3, 2007

I graduated !!

Well, finally I'm graduated in the bible study. For this semester, I'm taking this subject called

" Biblical Financial Study" which I find it very practical and useful in our daily life. Hopefully, I will be able to manage my own financial in a very practical way...and the word "PK" shld not exist anymore!! To prove that I have attend the class, nah...this is my certificate

There's 16 students out of 66 who got this perfect attendance, and the teacher gv them a CD. I only miss 1 class since the day I wasted la...I'm not lazy to attend that class, but I went for the Malay Mail Big Walk with a few of my crazy colleagues on Sunday..we are joining the 10Km walk! To prove myself that I'm not lying, nah...this is the cert...I complete the 10km within 2 hour...yala.. I know kinda slow, but who cares, I'm not going for competition la..just wana take a challenge that there's nothing is impossible or as we grow older we cant do it!

After I went for brunch, drop by the fish shop thought of buying the plant..but my mum end up buying additional 5, now my tank has 12 fishes crowded! This is not a high end fish, just a very chiplak fish which meant to feed those bigger fish..but...(aiyah there;'s a story behind why I end up raring this fish)...actually I never like fishes, but I find my home is too boring, no someting for me to see or appreciate... I find it relaxing after a hard day of working and u can hear the sound of water running (beside the blasting of tv) or when during the nite when everybody is a sleep , I can sit there for more than 15minutes just to see the fish swim here and there..If only I have my own place in the future, for sure I'm going to build a mini waterfall hehe...

After my fishes, it's time to clean my precious Snoppy, pity him, didnt take bath for 2 weeks dy! So I bath him after my afternoon nap...see how dirty is him, picture shown below is before and after!

I'm still having problem to clean his hair on his face, thats why need to bring him for grooming once a month which cost me RM 60 minimum and my hair cut is only RM15 and once every twice month! What the goomer told me is, his saliva drip on his misai, thats why so dirty...No matter how long I scrub him (tempted to use clorox) but don't think I will do it ! It's equavalent to kill can? He's my most precious one in family la...and this dog never let me touch his face except cleaning his tears or eye shit!


babyfiona said...

WAH! your snoopy so cute! can fight with my peebo. Come we fight fight them ;p

Rabbit said...

Wah, tempted to chlorox sama snoopy! o.O

Bible financial study.. so u learn to manage your own money?

Apam Balik said... dog very sopan santun..
he dun fight one...infact last time my cousin dog curi his food to eat. He just let that fellow eat..

Dun so bad la..Snoopy is my everyting! Yeah, teach us how to manage our $ in biblical way..though but logic

babyfiona said...

-_____-" Not fight fight that kind lar ..i cakap fight see who more cantik lar *poke ur head*. You ingat my peebo anjing jalanan meh!