Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm Sick....help me....

What a day to begin with...can't open my eyes this morning..quickly rush to work....
once i reached office...I have 100 unread email sitting infront of my screen...my colleague say I'm like a robot or hantu today...walk like a ghost..zoom here and there...I didnt take any break..I work from 8.30 to 6pm today...at least I finish my mission, to finish clear all the unread email and of course action onto it...

I'm so hearbroken this afternoon when I found out that I only have half of Spore picture..thought of wanted to show off to u guys, but I only have half of it only...I lost my pink dolphin, dugong, polar bear and whole lot of picture..!! I tried to retrieve it the whole noon but can't get it...I don't know what have I done yesterday when I'm loading the picture..all the picture's in digi cam is missing too!! Not sure if I move or I copy it that it has gone missing...if it did go tru, why came out half only?? where's the other half??? I'm still so sad till now... :(
Any expert out there who can help me??

I duno what happend to my health too...maybe it;s too hot or what in Spore, I got a few pimple brekout on my right cheek :( ...then when I go for body combat today...I realised my back very pain leh...when we are doing the warm up and strecthing...i feel the pain at middle there like pulling me...hmm..wondering what happend to my back...it's like that kinda sour pain with muscle pulling me..and the worse case if Jack wanted to do a 6 hits non stop back to back...I almost die there, I didn't keluarkan all my energy coz my back is really hurt and I don't wana quit half way of the class.....doing the pumping and Muay Thai is killing me....

Then on the way back home, duno who left this flu bugs for me in the middle of no where...I remember I sneeze 3 times...then I started to have this running nose...once I reached home, I can't even breath!! carrying the whole box of tissue and keep on blowing whatever stuff inside..now I feel so tired..maybe of this so called flu and it make my throat feel irritating too :(

At least something to cheer about is tomorrow we are going for Thai Food in Tmn Desa...wweee....my favourite place for Thai Food....I pity my frend...he don't like Thai Food but I'm so bad...I paksa him to eat there..waahaha...and when he say ok, I told him..Good Dog..he so piss off...hey at least those who know me well know how I care about my snoopy above everybody else right???.....but I tink he shld know I'm joking guuaa...everybody know how I Love Snoopy :) though the name of this place (Tmn Desa) give me a lot of XXXX ( duno what word to use) memory, feeling and etc....but....I just duno what to say...I used to love this area a lot and I tell myself I will buy a property there if my financial permits me, but just because of a person is staying there...I'm not sure if it still one of my fav spot in Old Klang road area...I know I can't change the facts...but what can I do? I can't ask that Thai Rest and the cafe move to somewhere else instead of Tmn Desa right? Do I still wana frequent there? Or shld I totally don't step into this area anymore???.....................................................

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