Saturday, June 2, 2007

Got Tag Again!

So, I just realised I got tag by Fiona, have to do home work again.
Not I don't want to tag pple last time mah...told her dy, I duno the rules of blog and I dun have frends yet mah...think I am Prime Minister daughter mehh...

Ok what she want now..let see...

1st 5:- things found in your bag
I have so so many stuff in bag ok? My handbag is so big till I can fit an adult rabbit inside! My colleagues always laugh at me saying I'm going to market buy what...
Ok, I think the 5 main things is...

1) Handphone- one Nokia, One Motorola

2) Migrainne medication, Minyak angin cap singa and Lavender essential oil in the small compartment ( I got migrainne easily since my teen year till I was hospitalized, so pple out there, if you have any remedy, do let me know though Dr told me there's no cure for migrainne..sad case! Image Hosted by

3) A notepad
4) Make up bag

5) Tisu, sanitary pad, small hair clip, rubber band

2nd 5:- Things found in your purse/wallet (standard la- though I have a guy frend who kept condom!)

1) $$ la, what else!

2) ID, Licence

3) ATM, Credit, Membership Card

4) Coins

3rd 5:- Favourite things in your room

1) Bed la..what else...*__*

2) Keroppi Bolster

3) Air Cond

4) Keroppi Collection Box

5) Books

4th 5:- things you’ve always wanted to do

1) Go to NZ and conquer the mountain...wahahaha.........who wana recommend me a job there?

2) Climb the Mountain Kota Kinabalu (yahoo...going there this Sept!)

3) Get my own place...just want to be independent and leave alone and quietly. We need to accept the facts that our parents will not be with us forever! So learn to be independent!

4) Get a guy, marry and have kids.. Better still, get a Kiwi Guy...with Keanu Reeves or Kimura Takuya look alike.... my total wedding cost will not exceed RM 5K for so..desperate women looking for match...any takers??? Hahaha.....count from 1....2......2.5..............

5) Want to get a CD player for my car, coz my current cassette player always give me problem. But I find it's so hard to fork out RM 400 for that!!

5th 5: things u currently into

1) Blogging laaa....

2) Cheer my doggie up....Mr Snoopy

3) Aromatheraphy

4) Exercise, gym or whatever do with exercise

5) Not to sigh, depress, and appreciate every minute I have. Not to fear no matter how big my problem is knowing he's there guiding me.
Natasha and Fion-rabbit...sorry yah...u kena tag by me already ur turn to do ur homework...or else BB Fiona will pok pek me again la...


Rabbit said...

I kena double tagged for this! *pengsan*

OKay i will do! Just give me some time kay? =P Thanks for tagging me!

Apam Balik said...

ehh....she tag u before arr??
sorry arr...or else she scold me for breaking her tagging keke..

babyfiona said...

Not me ler..i dint tag lehbit ;p

Anonymous said...

Fiona is GOIN DOWN! Muahahaha!

babyfiona said...

NESH I piak piak you baru u tahu!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm leaving a message here since your shoutbox isn't working when i tried it.

yep, I agree. HK is a haven for shoppers and diners. I would find it hard to work there either, except of course if i have all the luxuries there. I wanna work in Macau instead, given that it's laid back but progressive city. However, there's not much opportunity for my experience there so our search for work turned out to be a great holiday vacation since after macau we travelled thru ferry going to HK. twas fun. contemplating on which country in asia to visit next. probably singapore... thanks for droppin a message in my shoutout box. :-)